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Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Book Review: Getting Things Done

Finally, I have found a concept that I can apply to everything I do.

The Five Phases of Mastering Workflow is great. It helps me deal with every item that I come into contact with no matter how little or how important. The Phases: Collect, Process, Organize, Review, and Do, allow you to not just clean the desk off, but to put things where you can find them, increase your productivity and....yes, even clean out that e-mail box. I use to have an inbox of 100-150 messages, now everyday that I go home; I have the big 0 in it. It is amazing how the simple steps that David focuses on can help create a better, more efficient life for me in the office and out of the office.

The Natural Planning Model that David Allen has created has improved not only my organization, but my productivity. It incorporates all the things that you have heard from all the business speakers and brings it down to a level that you can apply to your life. The Planning Model helps you to develop a purpose, determine you successful outcomes, brainstorm, organize, and perhaps the most important part, identify what your next step is so that you can take action; the key to getting anything done.

Perhaps the most important thing that I learned from David is the "Two-Minute Rule," if you can do it now in 2 minutes or less, then do it. If not it will take longer to deal with it later. This is probably the most important rule when dealing with the overwhelming e-mail inbox.

Finally another great action that comes from David is how to clear out your mind from all the clutter in it. Not exactly something that we think of in terms of organizing. But David makes a good point that we tend to get a lot different thoughts going around in out head and we get brain overload, or as he likes to put it, our physic ram gets full. He shows you the path to empty your head. Trust me; it is a great feeling once you incorporate it into your daily life.

This is a great book for the person who is looking for practical application to help you get organized, become more efficient, and better prepared for dealing with anything that life has to throw at you. This is a definite recommended read.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I have not received any compensation for writing this post. I have no material connection to the brands, products, or services that I have mentioned. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

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